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A consideration for new products and brands entering the market: I’m wondering if this approach could be effective.

Numerous brands and companies invest significant time and effort in creating a necessary value proposition. It’s a crucial element in prompting customers to take action. Yet, many marketers and product creators, myself included, devote extensive time to crafting value propositions. Despite this, customers often hesitate to take action, especially when landing on a brand’s page that lacks aesthetic appeal.

The situation worsens when encountering an enticing product ad with a compelling value proposition, only to be disappointed by the product’s design and quality in a store, leading to a decision to pass on the purchase.

What if we attempted to lead with design and quality first, followed by crafting the “final” value proposition? Certainly, understanding and addressing a problem should follow product development, which in turn leads to defining the value proposition. But what if we emphasized keeping customers engaged through design and product quality, supported by the value proposition, where the latter is, in turn, enhanced by design and quality?

Given that humans tend to “eat with their eyes first,” being drawn to visually appealing things before grasping their core, why not prioritize design and quality, making the value proposition the bonus or an additional wow factor? I believe that if we, as product creators and marketers lead with design and product quality, complemented by a robust value proposition, it’s a win-win scenario.

It’s just a thought, but I plan to test this approach and observe the outcome. Stay tuned for the results.

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