I hear this more than anything: “Hey Mark, I have a crazy idea and want to talk to you about it”.
When I hear that an immediate flood of thoughts hit my mind before I react, and a few of those are:
- Your idea sounds great but you won’t execute on it
- Ideas are worthless unless you execute on it
- This guy/girl wasted my time in the past with their idea because they didn’t execute it, and now they have a new idea that they won’t execute.
Ideas are great but they are worthless if you won’t execute them. It doesn’t matter if you have a solution that can change mankind forever, if you lack the true burning desire to actually pursue that goal, you’re going to waste time and money.
Most people are great at procrastinating and most people love to live in comfort and both of those things are dream killers. It’s easier to play it safe. It’s easier to come home after work and watch a game on TV and then on the weekend go BBQ with friends. Spending hours researching and studying how to bring an idea to life is too much for most people.
Most people call me not only to share their great idea with me, but they hope that I will say “I love this idea, I’ll work on it with you” because they know that I can bring the experience and skill to create and launch just about anything. What people fail to realize is that what I bring is an accumulation of many years of execution and failure, along with missed time away from the weekend BBQ’s, snowboarding adventures, and family trips.
There are resources available that you can use to find answers on how to bring your idea to life. Put in the time and become a student of product development, product marketing, marketing, sales, and design, and launch your idea! You might fail the first time around but the lessons you’ll gain out of your failures will bring you steps higher and more doors will open for you. Make it happen.